Pride is a interesting character flaw that we all have to deal with from time to time.
We often don't know it's there until it makes a surprise appearance. Sometimes I don't know I'm being rational and doing the right thing, or if pride is getting in my way of doing the right thing.
How do we even know what the right thing is? Every situation is different and can have many scenarios as to how it could play out in the 'right' way. It hard to know which route to take sometimes. But the important thing is to listen to your gut and not let your mind get in your way.
Often times my mind starts to over think things and then pride starts to creep in. When you are in doubt as what you should do in a situation take a deep breathe, analyze all of the possible scenarios, pick the one you honestly believe to be the best, then buckle up and relax knowing that you made the best decision for you. Others may not agree with the route you chose, but as Eleanor Roosevelt said:
"Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyways."
I write this because recently a situation arose and I thought I would have acted differently than someone else. But after discussing their decision with them I understood and agreed with their decision... I should not have let my pride and judgement get the better of me. Instead I should have sought understanding of the persons decisions and let them decide for themselves how to live their life. It is hard not to step into other people's lives and tell them how to live it.
We must truly live by the ethic of reciprocity -- treat others as you wish to be treated. It is that simple.
So simply live in that you are validated in your decisions. You are the only one living your life.
Live simply in that you support those around you, and that you only intervene in their lives when they need a helping hand, not when you have your agenda to how they should live their lives.
Much love,