Regardless of your suspicions about Bruce Jenner's coming out
earlier this year, you cannot deny that he has taken a bold step that took an enormous amount of
I am super excited to see such a public figure come out and say--
This is who I am! Forget who I was and get to know the real me. I think there
is a piece of all of us who want people to forget about the reputation that
precedes us and show our real selves. Often times it is hard to show the softer
side because we are afraid that we will be rejected. And what could be more
damaging than someone not accepting the real part of you? But that does not
mean we should put on our faces and just enjoy the masquerade.
It is far more beautiful and attractive to show your soul. I love
authentic people. Those who are vulnerable and aren't afraid to be themselves
are the ones you end up connecting with the most. Do not be afraid to show
people who you are. Let them love and accept you for exactly who you are. Let
them love the things about yourself that you hate. People will often surprise
you, let them.
I hope we can all find acceptance within and then share it with
the world. This post has been inspired by Caitlyn Jenner and the gigantic step
that she has taken to overcome her reputation and be who she wants to be.
Simply Live in that you love every aspect of yourself- your body,
your inner demons, your quirks, your talents.
Live Simply in that you accept others for offering you insight
into their soul. It is not your place to question who they are.
Much love,