Thursday, 26 June 2014

Picking sides creates a lose/lose situation

We are very opinionated creatures.. it is in our nature to rationalize things and think we have the answer. Everyone seems to think they have to be on one side or the other when it comes to just about everything. You have 2 friends who are in a fight--it is hard to remain unbiased you have to pick who's right and who's wrong. You have your religion, because it's what you believe and everyone else is wrong if they are a different denomination or religion. Then there's politics and you always feel like you have to be Democrat or Republican 100% of the time no matter the issue.

When we put ourselves into these set boxes it only causes conflict because there are always people who won't agree with you. Look at elections... it's always 52% X and 48% Y. Does that mean the 48% is wrong and should be disregarded? No, that is a huge number of people who's opinions should be valued and looked into.  Some would say there are 2 sides to everything, but I would argue that the number of sides there are is equal to who's involved in the issue. We all have different takes on things and coming together is the only way to fully resolve the issue.

I really wish we didn't have these barriers that are pressed upon us for whatever reason. Picking a side does not lead to progress it leads to stagnation. When we close our minds to one side there is tremendous room for error. Literally everyone loses when they put a definition on themselves and close off 50% of their surroundings.

I know there are fellow independents out there who are tired of this 2 party system. Bernie Sanders is an amazing congressman who is bipartisan so why aren't there more people like that if that is what the public wants?  Congresses approval rating is at 13%... obviously people are not happy and I honestly believe that is because everyone feels like they have to pick a side. I just don't get it.... I hate all of this polarization. How can we break away from this mindset?? So many things would be better if everyone just sought for mutual understanding. Sometimes you may agree to disagree but I think compromise can always be reached.

Simply Live-- care about knowing 60% of more about something before deciding what you believe..
Live Simply-- don't see things as right or wrong. See a situation and think how can I reach a better conclusion than the one we are at.

Have a beautiful day!

Promote peace,

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Kindness is Infectious

I don't think others (or ourselves!) realize what an incredible impact a little kindness can have on someone. From holding a door, to smiling, or giving a gift any act of kindness goes a long way. When someone is kind to me I pay it forward. It is my mission each and every day to do one nice act. If it can be something big, then great! But usually it's just something small. Spreading kindness will make your day, week, and life better.

A lot of times I will do something because I want to or think it is just common courtesy, but many times it turns out that it leaves a big impact on the other person! It's incredible that something so small can literally make someone's day. So remember that kindness is infectious.

You never know what inspiring someone will do... Tell someone they are amazing and can achieve their dreams today. Because we all can. Every success story went through trial and error to become a success. And even once you have reached your goals and definition of success you still must go through hardships and transitions to remain in the place you want to be. So don't be afraid to jump out and chase your dreams. Especially if your dreams can get other people involved. As I've said before, there is strength in unity. We are all searching for a community in which we connect with others and belong.

I hope you have a lovely Tuesday!

Dreaming of impacting the world,

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Start with the (wo)man in the mirror

I saw a video tonight with a former celeb turned Tea Party member blasting Glee for the kiss between Kurt and Blaine. It is not my style to get into political debates or force my ideas on other people because the beauty of humanity is that we are all different... physically and mentally. A lot of who we are we can't even control- I certainly didn't pick which genes were passed down nor did I have a say in the family I was born into. Luckily I was born into a typical middle class family with supportive, educated parents and grandparents which has allowed me to experience the best life has to offer but also see the struggles people go through each and every day.

We cannot ever understand why someone acts the way they do because their life has lead them to the decisions they are making.. They follow their heart and mind just as you and I follow ours. Therefore, it astounds me that people like this woman can get online and make a big fuss over something they cannot fathom and something that has NOTHING to do with them. I love freedom of speech just as much as the next guy.. but I also love freedom of opinion, which many people forget. We get so caught up in our own head that we start to think we have this secret outlook on all of the things that become implanted in our minds. When in fact we are human and it is impossible to know everything.

If we changed our mindset from knowing more than everyone else, to learning from others we will become more connected and more fulfilled as individuals. If you are more understanding towards others they will be more understanding to you. We all have things that plague us ... if we start a conversation about it we will find we aren't alone and we can even help someone else better their current situation. We won't have this mentality that everything has to be black and white, when there is a very clear and large gray area.

So please, please don't feel like you are better than your fellow human. Instead feel like you can learn from each other and reach a mutual understanding which in turn makes the world a better place.

That is the point of Simply Live... the affairs of another are no business of yours. Live your life in a way that makes you fulfilled, and don't judge the way others choose to live their lives.

Live Simply in that we live a world where everyone wants something more... so one day a week give to someone else. Whatever you have to give that day. Read 'The Giving Tree' to see just how much you can give and the impact you can have on someone else.

I wish you many laughs, smiles and blessings this week!

Peace and love,

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Staying busy > Being Idle

The idea and physicality of time is a hard one to grasp. We know that there are only 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes within each hour... yet some days seem like a blink, and others seem like an eternity.

If you find a good combination between being busy and having some relaxation time you can control the pace of your day. When you're busy the day always seems to fly by because you are continually striving to mark off the next thing on your list. But when you're just sitting.... waiting for something to do.... the day drags on. I tend to start thinking of all the things I could or should be doing. The things in my subconscious I've been avoiding start to surface when I'm idle.

So if you stay busy you find something to look forward. While you don't want every day to fly by, it is nice to keep a solid rhythm to your daily life. If you're like me sometimes you take on too much and then the days really start running together and it's suddenly Friday when you thought it was Tuesday. This also isn't good... it doesn't allow you to sit back and enjoy the simple things in life- like how great it can be to plop down on the couch and take a deep breath after a long day.

I believe it is good for our bodies and mind to have a solid rhythm that it beats to. When we do nothing our minds turn off and our bodies don't work properly. When we are on overdrive we tense up, get headaches, and our minds start to glitch.

So find the good pace in your life.. and when things become too busy or too idle find one thing to change to even it back out. Find one thing you are grateful for today and admire something beautiful in your environment.

Simply live your life- fulfill your passions and set your own pace. You determine your happiness.
Live simply- No need to focus on the material things, they will tear, tarnish, and eventually wither away. A connection made with someone can never go away, it can only grow stronger.

Have a wonderful day!

Peace and Love,

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Change the World

For the first time in my life I feel that my dreams could actually be reality. While I am a dreamer, I also struggle with not letting cynicism bring me down. We are always hardest on ourselves... cut yourself a break! If you're trying your best and maintaining your values then you are three steps ahead... of whatever you're supposed to be ahead of. If we just start to believe in ourselves instead of allow ourselves to think we aren't good enough we could accomplish anything.

Change cannot occur if we just sit back and hold ourselves back. I realized that I am capable of putting things in motion. Even if things don't go as I plan the worst thing I could do is not even try. I have good ideas that match other people's ideas I'm sure. We just need to come together for a cause and start leading.

The power within leadership and using your voice is not one to be overlooked or undervalued. Your voice can be heard... the only person that can stifle it is yourself. I'm tired of sitting back and thinking that I have to conform to the way things are. I don't like this material, negative society that I am living in. So I am going to change it.

The emphasis should be on relationships, exploration- of the world, the earth, and ourselves, finding the good in the day-to-day. Between work, the news, expectations, politics, religion, etc. I just feel bombarded and weighed down. Because I care deeply about people and issues I don't want the things that vary person to person to be my sole priority. I want to focus on things that build up instead of tear down. I want to connect with Mother Nature and experience that lies in each and every day.

That is what simply living is... and in order to do this we must live simply. Shed all of the waste. Let go of all of the negativity. Just take a deep breath and find the beauty that surrounds you.

May you have a wonderful, thoughtful work week and relaxing weekend.

Peace and love,