Monday, 17 November 2014

It's time to be mushy

My heart is so filled with love!

You really learn a lot about yourself and how much people mean to you when you move to a kingdom far far away. I was on the West coast for 3 months (which is not that long- and I did study abroad so I went 5 months without seeing friends and family before) and I was just so homesick! Which is strange because I don't really have a home over here in the East coast because my parents moved when I was in college so I never lived with them. That old cliche "Home is where the heart is" is so true though! I know I am home whenever I walk off the plane with a giant smile on face and when I am reunited with my best friends at our Alma Mater's Homecoming.

Whenever I made the decision to move to California it was solely for me. I wanted adventure, to find fulfillment in the workplace, and to lead a life that was making the world a better place. I didn't think about how it would effect those around me or what effect it would have on me. I still want fulfillment and to change the world for the better, but I know in order to do that I must be in a place that feels like home. When you are constantly thinking of your loved ones and how you wish you were with them it makes it hard to focus on what you're doing. A solid foundation is key to a happy life so now I know why small towns filled with families that have been there for generations don't want to ever leave.

My partner and I decided to take a break right before I left for California (the post "What Is Love" is about our relationship). We still talked and were very close friends, but I am happy to say that the distance helped us go back to the basics of our relationship and reconnect on a different level. Being away from someone allows to see all of their positive traits and reminds you how much better your life was with them in it. I don't like labels or looking toward the future, but I just want to say that if you truly love someone that love will never go away.

I think it is very therapeutic and good for the soul to take a journey that is very spur of the moment and turns around your whole life. I have always known who I am and what is important to me, but this taught me even more about myself. It taught those closest to me about me too and allowed us to connect on a deeper level.

Simply Live in that you always follow your heart without worrying about others' perception of you because you are the one being effected.

Live Simply in that you appreciate what you have in your life and don't expect or feel that you need a whole lot more. (If you gain more then great! Celebrate as it happens, but don't feel like you continually have to find more in your life.)


Monday, 1 September 2014

Letting go.

Letting go is such a hard thing to do... when you care about someone, the place you're at, something else in your life you can't just let it go. That seems like betrayal, wasted time, and pain. But in reality it is the best thing to do. If you are holding onto something that is causing you to doubt yourself or second guess then it is time to let it go... you aren't doing anyone a favor but grasping on to something that's not there.

I was having trouble letting go until last week. I felt like it was my job to hold on. Like something was there for me to hold on to. My mind would have been clear and my soul free had I just let go. Then I could truly enjoy this amazing journey of life, instead of looking to the past and analyzing things that I cannot change. I am never going to get the result I wanted or the feeling I once had, so the best thing is to let go and live in the present. Just enjoy the day and know that the sun will continue to rise.

Simply Live in that you are finding joy in each day.
Live Simply in that you don't harbor regret or sadness over the past.

Much love,

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Be Involved In Your Society!

A fundamental problem we face as humans is complacency and becoming numb to our surroundings (at least in my own personal experience). It is easier to silence all of the problems going on around us than to actually think about them and discover solutions.

As much as I believe the government in the United States is ineffective at it's current state, I know that government is the best way to enact change. And I am a firm believer in the idea that you cannot complain or discuss something if you do not know the facts on the matter. If you are disengaged from politics and don't make yourself aware of the issues then you are just as much at fault as the senators who are making decisions.. and by you I am also including myself. Part of the reason I write blogs is to sort through my thoughts and remind myself of ways I can improve. I am angry at myself for being complacent and expecting the media or whoever to educate me on the issues instead of going out and educating myself. I don't mobilize until a decision has already been made and by that point I can't even be mad because I didn't call my senator or write a letter to show them my support on certain issues... Then I have this other part of me that knows how much money corporations are funneling into state/national campaigns and cannot help but feel that my voice is silenced... When someone with a personal agenda spends thousands of money on an individuals campaign they basically have that individual in their pocket..especially if that person wants to get re-elected since the person with the most money apparently wins the campaign. It infuriates me that the best candidate may not win simply because they do not have enough money to run the race... I am a business major and this set up is definitely made by business people because you cannot play the business game unless you have money. Government should not be like should be based on credentials and who connects/understands the people. So we need to stand up and educate ourselves on the issues, which companies are contributing to campaigns, and if senators are voting in the interest of their constituents or in the interest of the corporation that helped get them in office.

This is not a party issue. It your right and duty as a citizen to have a voice in the political realm. If we continue to remain silent things will only get worse. Corporations are the most involved in politics- money wise and action wise (lobbyist!). We have to join together to get the public interest to our state and national senators if we want our votes to matter once again!

A friend showed me some great, nonpartisan websites that make it easy to keep up with what's going on in the House and Senate. It shows a summary about the piece of legislation, a link to the full resolution, how each individual senator/representative voted on the resolution, and what money they received from special interests/organizations. It is awesome and makes it easy to stay involved! There isn't anyone yelling at you about something, a waste of time update, celebrity crap, or biased views--just facts!

So I hope you check them out and make a pledge today to be an active member of our democratic society. I am pledging to get on these sites instead of Facebook at least 3x per week.

Simply Live: Be thankful that you live in a society that allows you to voice your opinion and that was created to make sure each and every person has a voice that should be listened to by the government!
Live Simply: Don't look at things based on sides or preconceived biases. Simply make it a point to know the facts and make the call based on your personal beliefs (then don't judge others if their personal beliefs are different).

With dreams of a mostly unified population that controls government decisions,

Saturday, 12 July 2014

What is love?

Love comes in many forms... and there should be many words for love in the English language. Love for family, love for friends, and of course the love everyone is searching for, romantic love.

The love I have for my family is the strongest love I have ever felt. Then of course I love my friends dearly and would do anything for them. I never thought I would find that romantic love, but over a year ago I was able to open my heart to someone else. It was such an exciting and liberating feeling. I'll never forget the day I realized I was in love. For the first time I thought of the future-- a year or 2 down the line and this person was in it. It was really cool. I had never had that sense of vulnerability or necessity for another person. But just with every relationship in life there are times that test you as a person and as a couple. Whenever disagreements start it could mean it is the beginning of the end of this romantic relationship. But does that mean it has to be the end of the relationship? I mean you've invested so much time, love, and devotion into this person. Why end it on a sour note to where you go off calling each other names and looking at all of the flaws in the relationship?  For this reason the wonderful man I fell in love with and I decided we would take a break. We are in pivotal points in our lives where we have to chose a path that could dictate our future. Which job do I get? Where do I want to live? What the heck do I even want to do with my life? Sometimes it is too hard to make those decisions with the expectations that come with a relationship.

But you have so many precious, and fantastic memories with this person... it is so hard to let go of that romantic relationship that you so deeply felt for what seems like forever. So I have found that love is letting a person go and hoping your paths will stay side by side no matter which type of relationship you're in... even if it hurts, and even if there's doubt. For whatever reason life has a way of working itself out. I am a firm believer in fate, so if it's meant to be down the road it will be. It is best to demote each other down to friend in order to  preserve the relationship instead of let things get to the point of blowing up. Arguments are never fun, and no one should be in an unhealthy relationship. I am glad that we were mature enough to see that this was the solution we both needed. He needs to figure out what he wants out of life and find the happiness within. I need to roam around pursing my wild dreams.

If it is a time of growth and direction change in your life there is nothing wrong with putting things on pause. I've been in my apartment moping on and off for hours because this is a scary time in my life, and because the thought of losing someone I love is the saddest feeling ever. But through our conversations and the willingness to stay best friends I find the true meaning of love... and for that I am eternally grateful. I hope and pray that we will be able to cultivate a better friendship, work through the pain and come out stronger on the other side.

I just feel so honored that I got to be in this chapter of  R's life as his partner, and I am just so happy that we can continue to write our stories together. I hope that you can experience honest love in your life... which in turn means being selfless and doing what's best for the other person (and the other person being selfless for you).

R, if you're reading this I wish I could explain to you the impact you've had on my life. It has been nothing but positive. Thank you for giving me the chance to get to know you on this level and picking me to be your girlfriend. You are an amazing person and I know we will continue to make memories down the road. I love you from the bottom of my heart and always will.

Simply Live: in that you are not afraid of love and loss... for there is no loss when you truly love.
Live Simply: feel the flow of your relationships and always be willing to meet people where they are.

Love always,

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Get the facts

Whenever an issue comes up that you are passionate about... make sure you look up the issue and learn the ins and outs of the entire thing. It's easy to believe the one or two liners that come out about the issue when they don't present the entire scenario.

I was really upset the other day because I saw the basic media coverage of something. It made it seem like a basic liberty and individual rights had been taken away because they view corporations as people... Well I am very opposed to corporations being treated like people when the main goal of business is profit (yes I believe there can be ethical businesses out there that give profit back to employees or the community, but it is very rare and you have to have money to play the business game). So I was outraged and ranting about it with several friends.. Then one friend asked me what was going on and I told them what I thought the whole thing was about. They start researching only to find out that the main thing I was mad about wasn't even a part of it.

Ughhhh all the wasted energy and negativity because I chose to make inferences. I still do not like what happened, but I understand it a little better from the other side now. The other side doesn't understand the hypocrisy of their actions and thoughts, and a corporation was still treated like a person .... BUT! I am not fuming anymore.   And now I can educate and discuss the topic accurately instead of spread lies like I was doing before.

Let's try to research something before we talk about it in order to relay accurate information and not cause an uproar over nothing. It's like taking a statement out of context... it's never good for anyone.

Simply Live in that you find beauty in truth.
Live Simply in that you never take something for face value.

Pro Veritate

Until next time,

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Picking sides creates a lose/lose situation

We are very opinionated creatures.. it is in our nature to rationalize things and think we have the answer. Everyone seems to think they have to be on one side or the other when it comes to just about everything. You have 2 friends who are in a fight--it is hard to remain unbiased you have to pick who's right and who's wrong. You have your religion, because it's what you believe and everyone else is wrong if they are a different denomination or religion. Then there's politics and you always feel like you have to be Democrat or Republican 100% of the time no matter the issue.

When we put ourselves into these set boxes it only causes conflict because there are always people who won't agree with you. Look at elections... it's always 52% X and 48% Y. Does that mean the 48% is wrong and should be disregarded? No, that is a huge number of people who's opinions should be valued and looked into.  Some would say there are 2 sides to everything, but I would argue that the number of sides there are is equal to who's involved in the issue. We all have different takes on things and coming together is the only way to fully resolve the issue.

I really wish we didn't have these barriers that are pressed upon us for whatever reason. Picking a side does not lead to progress it leads to stagnation. When we close our minds to one side there is tremendous room for error. Literally everyone loses when they put a definition on themselves and close off 50% of their surroundings.

I know there are fellow independents out there who are tired of this 2 party system. Bernie Sanders is an amazing congressman who is bipartisan so why aren't there more people like that if that is what the public wants?  Congresses approval rating is at 13%... obviously people are not happy and I honestly believe that is because everyone feels like they have to pick a side. I just don't get it.... I hate all of this polarization. How can we break away from this mindset?? So many things would be better if everyone just sought for mutual understanding. Sometimes you may agree to disagree but I think compromise can always be reached.

Simply Live-- care about knowing 60% of more about something before deciding what you believe..
Live Simply-- don't see things as right or wrong. See a situation and think how can I reach a better conclusion than the one we are at.

Have a beautiful day!

Promote peace,

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Kindness is Infectious

I don't think others (or ourselves!) realize what an incredible impact a little kindness can have on someone. From holding a door, to smiling, or giving a gift any act of kindness goes a long way. When someone is kind to me I pay it forward. It is my mission each and every day to do one nice act. If it can be something big, then great! But usually it's just something small. Spreading kindness will make your day, week, and life better.

A lot of times I will do something because I want to or think it is just common courtesy, but many times it turns out that it leaves a big impact on the other person! It's incredible that something so small can literally make someone's day. So remember that kindness is infectious.

You never know what inspiring someone will do... Tell someone they are amazing and can achieve their dreams today. Because we all can. Every success story went through trial and error to become a success. And even once you have reached your goals and definition of success you still must go through hardships and transitions to remain in the place you want to be. So don't be afraid to jump out and chase your dreams. Especially if your dreams can get other people involved. As I've said before, there is strength in unity. We are all searching for a community in which we connect with others and belong.

I hope you have a lovely Tuesday!

Dreaming of impacting the world,

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Start with the (wo)man in the mirror

I saw a video tonight with a former celeb turned Tea Party member blasting Glee for the kiss between Kurt and Blaine. It is not my style to get into political debates or force my ideas on other people because the beauty of humanity is that we are all different... physically and mentally. A lot of who we are we can't even control- I certainly didn't pick which genes were passed down nor did I have a say in the family I was born into. Luckily I was born into a typical middle class family with supportive, educated parents and grandparents which has allowed me to experience the best life has to offer but also see the struggles people go through each and every day.

We cannot ever understand why someone acts the way they do because their life has lead them to the decisions they are making.. They follow their heart and mind just as you and I follow ours. Therefore, it astounds me that people like this woman can get online and make a big fuss over something they cannot fathom and something that has NOTHING to do with them. I love freedom of speech just as much as the next guy.. but I also love freedom of opinion, which many people forget. We get so caught up in our own head that we start to think we have this secret outlook on all of the things that become implanted in our minds. When in fact we are human and it is impossible to know everything.

If we changed our mindset from knowing more than everyone else, to learning from others we will become more connected and more fulfilled as individuals. If you are more understanding towards others they will be more understanding to you. We all have things that plague us ... if we start a conversation about it we will find we aren't alone and we can even help someone else better their current situation. We won't have this mentality that everything has to be black and white, when there is a very clear and large gray area.

So please, please don't feel like you are better than your fellow human. Instead feel like you can learn from each other and reach a mutual understanding which in turn makes the world a better place.

That is the point of Simply Live... the affairs of another are no business of yours. Live your life in a way that makes you fulfilled, and don't judge the way others choose to live their lives.

Live Simply in that we live a world where everyone wants something more... so one day a week give to someone else. Whatever you have to give that day. Read 'The Giving Tree' to see just how much you can give and the impact you can have on someone else.

I wish you many laughs, smiles and blessings this week!

Peace and love,

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Staying busy > Being Idle

The idea and physicality of time is a hard one to grasp. We know that there are only 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes within each hour... yet some days seem like a blink, and others seem like an eternity.

If you find a good combination between being busy and having some relaxation time you can control the pace of your day. When you're busy the day always seems to fly by because you are continually striving to mark off the next thing on your list. But when you're just sitting.... waiting for something to do.... the day drags on. I tend to start thinking of all the things I could or should be doing. The things in my subconscious I've been avoiding start to surface when I'm idle.

So if you stay busy you find something to look forward. While you don't want every day to fly by, it is nice to keep a solid rhythm to your daily life. If you're like me sometimes you take on too much and then the days really start running together and it's suddenly Friday when you thought it was Tuesday. This also isn't good... it doesn't allow you to sit back and enjoy the simple things in life- like how great it can be to plop down on the couch and take a deep breath after a long day.

I believe it is good for our bodies and mind to have a solid rhythm that it beats to. When we do nothing our minds turn off and our bodies don't work properly. When we are on overdrive we tense up, get headaches, and our minds start to glitch.

So find the good pace in your life.. and when things become too busy or too idle find one thing to change to even it back out. Find one thing you are grateful for today and admire something beautiful in your environment.

Simply live your life- fulfill your passions and set your own pace. You determine your happiness.
Live simply- No need to focus on the material things, they will tear, tarnish, and eventually wither away. A connection made with someone can never go away, it can only grow stronger.

Have a wonderful day!

Peace and Love,

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Change the World

For the first time in my life I feel that my dreams could actually be reality. While I am a dreamer, I also struggle with not letting cynicism bring me down. We are always hardest on ourselves... cut yourself a break! If you're trying your best and maintaining your values then you are three steps ahead... of whatever you're supposed to be ahead of. If we just start to believe in ourselves instead of allow ourselves to think we aren't good enough we could accomplish anything.

Change cannot occur if we just sit back and hold ourselves back. I realized that I am capable of putting things in motion. Even if things don't go as I plan the worst thing I could do is not even try. I have good ideas that match other people's ideas I'm sure. We just need to come together for a cause and start leading.

The power within leadership and using your voice is not one to be overlooked or undervalued. Your voice can be heard... the only person that can stifle it is yourself. I'm tired of sitting back and thinking that I have to conform to the way things are. I don't like this material, negative society that I am living in. So I am going to change it.

The emphasis should be on relationships, exploration- of the world, the earth, and ourselves, finding the good in the day-to-day. Between work, the news, expectations, politics, religion, etc. I just feel bombarded and weighed down. Because I care deeply about people and issues I don't want the things that vary person to person to be my sole priority. I want to focus on things that build up instead of tear down. I want to connect with Mother Nature and experience that lies in each and every day.

That is what simply living is... and in order to do this we must live simply. Shed all of the waste. Let go of all of the negativity. Just take a deep breath and find the beauty that surrounds you.

May you have a wonderful, thoughtful work week and relaxing weekend.

Peace and love,